“Its’ really amazing what a horse will do for you if he understands what you want. And it’s also quite amazing what he’ll do to you if he doesn’t.” – Bill Dorrance
We offer a variety of training services to fit every owner’s needs; from starting your young horse, finishing or tuning up your show horse, working with problem horses, individual tune up rides and show rides.
Young horse starting is available for horses age 3-4. All young horses receive a solid and correct foundation. We allow the horse to advance through training on his time line so they become confident mounts and trust their rider. New training concepts are taught in a quiet and confident manner allowing the horse to understand what he is supposed to do without rushing him and causing him to become nervous. Depending on the owner’s skill level, the owner’s confidence with a green horse and the horses learning time line we typically recommend 3-4 months of training to get a horse started. It is recommended, during the last month of training the owner takes lessons on their horse to get to know him/her better. Young horses can be started English or Western.
Finishing show horse training is available for horses ready to continue their education in preparation for showing in the Classical Dressage, Western Dressage or the Hunter/Jumper arenas. Depending on the owner’s goals when the horse is ready we will take the horse out to schooling and/or rated shows. As the horse gains confidence and skills in the show arena we will move them up the divisions/levels. The time for finishing a show horse varies greatly, depending on how much training the horse has had before he comes to us and how many shows or up to what level the owner would like the horse shown through. If a horse needs a show ring tune up, we recommend, as we are showing the horse, that the owner take lessons on their horse and also show in a few classes. This allows us to better teach the horse what he should be doing while also teaching the rider the best way to show the horse.
Problem/Corrective horse training is available for horses that have develop habits that are not appropriate or habits their owners wish to change. For these horses, we need to do an individual training ride first to asses the horse and determine the appropriate course of training for him. We will accept the horse into training as long during the training ride it is not determined the horse is dangerous. Training time needed to teach the horse will vary depending on what the training issues are and how he responds to training. It is recommended, for the last month of training, the owner takes lessons to learn how to effectively communicate with their horse.
Individual tune up rides are available for horses that need an occasional ride to refresh them on what they are suppose to be doing. This is a great option for experienced riders who need a little help on something in particular, junior riders who’s horses might have gotten a little confused, for riders on green horses to help their horses stay on the right track and for show riders before/during a show.
Show rides are offered during shows as a way for clients to be able to see their horse preform, tune up a rider’s horse in the show arena or to allow the horse to compete in a class the owner doesn’t feel comfortable competing in.
Sale horse training is available for horse whos owners wish to have us tune up and market their horse for sale. Training will vary depending on what the horse needs to be best presented to buyers. Included in sale horse training will be professional pictures, video, social media post and website marketing. We will handle all the appointments and test rides with buyers along with pre purchase vet checks. In addition to the training fee there is a 10% commission on the final sales price of the horse.
“ Some horses test you, some will teach you, and some will bring out the best in you. ”